The last 6 weeks have been both unbelievable and exhausting. The whirlwind has not allowed me to take in all that had happened.

Over a year ago my husband and I started the search for a new home. We had the idea in our head of what we wanted as far as a house, land and location. If you are familiar with the reality market over the last 2 years, you believe me when I said our hearts were broken many times when a potential home sold out from underneath us.
We did not get discouraged, even though 12 months of searching could certainly do that. I knew we were just waiting for the universe to do some shifting, and we learned patience in knowing the the current owner of our future home had to sort out things and make the decision to sell, whom ever they may be.
The long story short is back in May of this year, we found what is now Pure Lotus Wellness Retreat. For those of you know the previous location, and my 9x10 treatment room I worked from, these 5 acres and larger home filled us with so much potential for our future and business.

Going forward, this past Saturday September 7th was the Grand Opening of the retreat. For 5 weeks, from the moment we opened the door on the first day, we have been tenacious about getting things moving and making a deadline of presenting this space to all of you.
During one of the tours I was giving at the opening, one person inquired as to what inspired me to open up this healing space. And this got me thinking.
The first answer that came to my mind was all of you! All my clients who I have been honoured enough to treat and teach. You always commented on the energy and welcoming feeling of the precious space. Some of you wishing that you didn't have to leave! And that's what got the wheels of my imagination started. I wanted to create a nurturing and healing space where all of you could come to not only relax and enjoy a treatment, but delve into the centers of your souls for reflection, processing and leaving more whole and inspired than when you came.
Another reason for inspiration was through my upbringing. I grew up in a home and was raised by a single mother. We struggled to make ends meet some days, and life certainly threw us some dramatic and traumatizing curve balls. But my mother was always there, no matter what she was going through inside. It was years later that my school friends commented about how safe they always felt at my mother's home, and they could talk about anything to her. That's the environment she created, and that is how I continue in her foot steps. Inviting you here, a safe haven and a place where you can just be heard.

And finally, and not dwelling, that my own trauma inspired this creation. When we experience severe circumstances in our lives, no matter how hard it is to get through things, I know personally I could have decided to take an angry and broken road. But I chose to take my trauma and transform it into strength and determination. That my life would not be "wasted" because of another's actions. I wanted to help others, I wanted to make sure no one else felt alone in their fight and journey.
Pure Lotus would not exist without all of these influences. Sometimes you have to give gratitude to not only the good things and the blessed things in your life, but also those hardships and lessons that help shape you.
Thank you all so much for inspiring me and Pure Lotus Wellness Retreat is just as much all of your's as it is mine.